Hemp cuttings with THC between 0.2% and 0.5%

Every year we carefully select the different cannabis sativa varieties that can be cultivate in Europe, choosing to cultivate only the best varieties. Our musts are care and attention, aimed at creating an exclusive product, which is the result of years of research and experience.

Piantagione talee di Cannabis Light
Raccolta talee di Canap Sativa
Piantina di Canapa Sativa
Piantine di Cannabis Light

Characteristic 1

The cutting collected from the mother plant is carefully cleaned before being placed into the plateau.

Characteristic 2

We plant each of our variety in three types of jiffy, that are two specifically for soil cultivation, both manual and mechanical, and one suitable for hydroponics.

Characteristic 3

GLH cuttings are treated with an organic solution based on a high nitrogen content to produce a sustainable and vigorous product.


Mission: Possible

We are the first and main Italian producers of cuttings. Since 2016 we have been producing and distributing cultivable hemp cuttings throughout Europe. Our goal has always been a continuous adaptation between the developments of this market and the needs of the consumer.
Over the years we have developed a deep knowledge of the hemp sector that allows us to support the customer in all phases of use and processing of our products, in order to maximize their yield.

Find out more about the limitless of hemp with GLH

Fill in the fields and download the brochure to learn more about the project and the varieties of GLH cannabis sativa.

Dichiaro di avere 18 anni

Curiosities from the web about the world of light cannabis

Scegliere la cannabis light: una guida per principianti

Attenzione, in primo luogo, a che si tratti di un prodotto proveniente da coltivazioni europee: esiste, infatti, un registro di varietà di piante di canapa di cui è ammessa la coltivazione per scopo industriale che garantisce che le stesse abbiano livelli di THC bassi e inferiore alle soglie minime stabilite dai Paesi membri...
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Boom di vendite di cannabis light: +76% nell'ultimo anno

La ricerca ha evidenziato che a provare il prodotto sono principalmente giovani tra i 18 e i 22 anni. I maggiori consumatori sono gli over 30. Gli acquirenti regolari spendono mediamente 50 euro al mese. Tra i clienti abituali troviamo anche anziani fino ai 70 anni. In Francia ad essere coinvolti sono persino gli ottantenni.
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Come pulire le piante madri di cannabis light

... "vado a preparami, disinfetto le mani e tutti gli strumenti da taglio, cerco un bel vaso capiente che faccia da cestino per le potature (così sporco meno a terra e devo pulire meno a fine giornata), in fine mi preparo dei contenitori con dell’acqua fresca per le talee
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Hemp at the center of European research for the future

A biotechnology project funded by the European Union that aims at developing compounds that derive totally, or almost entirely, from renewable sources, is studying the properties of hemp to obtain better functionalities in various sectors, from automotive to aeronautics, from the audio world to the electronic one...
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Cannabis Light: recognized as a medicinal plant status

Italian farms that start cultivation of light cannabis are entitled to exemption from contributions up to the amount of 700,000 euros per year. These incentives, which have been introduced to stimulate the growth of this sector in our country, represent only a small part of the benefits, whether state or not, addressed to hemp growers...
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New (Canapa) Economy: una ricerca targata Coldiretti

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